Hello lovely reader/s!
How are you all? Wow it's been over a month since my last OOTD post here. Ugh I blame the bipolar weather and my laziness (lol who am i kidding?!). Truth be told, i spent all my time watching anime and sleeping and eating and working a little haha! I just wish im good at taking my own ootd pictures because i'm so tired waiting for weekends to arrive just to have my pictures taken by my sister. If i can do that, then i'll be able to post consistently (ugh excuses!). My other problem is that i don't have any good locations for my ootds, that's why im stucked at my overused backdrop lol! No, im not complaining, in fact im quite okay with it for the sole reason that i don't have to deal with strangers staring at me.
So yeah, i'll try my very best like no one ever was, to take photos is my real test, to post them is my cause. I will travel across the land searching for good ootd spot. Teach my noob self to understand the photographer that's inside (Pokemon! Gotta take em all!) Sorry guys, i got a little carried away! Haha i just love Pokemon (Gawwd i need to stop because it's so irrelevant!) But seriously guys, im serious!